What We Do



    The LIUPCP will support the enhancement of urban plans through screening and proposed revisions in the current structure.

    In each participating city / town will:

    • Prepare vulnerability and adaptation assessments (VAA)
    • Prepare Settlement Land Maps using SLM scorecard
    • Screen master plans for climate resilience by: a) assessing exposure of urban poor communities to hazards, b) assessing sensitivity to climate change, c) formulating responses through participatory planning d) reviewing and recommending revisions to the master plan.
    • Screen master plans to ensure a pro-poor development orientation by: a) assessing land availability for low cost and affordable housing, b) provision of municipal infrastructure in, and serving, low income areas, c) formulating responses through participatory planning, d) reviewing and revising the master plan.
    • Prepare a Community Climate Change Resilience Strategy (CCCRS) to identify and priorities capacity building actions and infrastructure investments and to include: a) disaster risk reduction (DRR) assessment and response, and b) a capital investment portfolio.
    • Prepare a local economic development and labour market review, with special emphasis on the urban poor.
    • Build the capacity of the Town Planning Unit (including GIS capacity)


    Strengthening municipal financial management and performance is designed to enhance the fiscal health of cities / towns and therefore provide greater flexibility and financial ability to respond to the needs of the urban poor. The focus will be on: a) Financial management, accountability and sustainability, b) enhanced local resource mobilisation, and c) targeting resources on the urban poor. The LIUPCP initiated the following activities:

    • Detailed city / town implementation plans (inception planning)
    • Carry out municipal financial assessments in selected cities / towns and identify action areas
    • Support capacity development self- assessment
    • Agree detailed city / town implementation plan including a capacity development plan
    • Design and deliver capacity development (representative and officials).
    • Monitor performance against criteria
    • Development of a community map, e) exiting /proposed allotment plan – community agreed settlement layout plan
    • Provide, administer and monitor grants for land tenure support (such as legal and land transfer costs)


    • Support the development of Comprehensive Urban Sector Development Programme that targets urban poverty reduction
    • Support for the practical realization of the 7th Five Year Plan (urban sector targets)
    • Support translation of the National Urban Policy into achievable action plans for urban poverty reduction
    • Use PROJECT evidence based policy briefings to support 8th Five Year Plan